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Dragon Age Inquisition Crafting Armor With Upgrade Slots


In Dragon Age: Origins, one of the easier to use party comps actually revolved around two tanks, due in part to how the subclasses worked in that game and how good a properly spec'd Liliana was in that game. In Inquisition things are a bit different, but the idea is still the same. Dragon Age: Inquisition is an installment in BioWare's popular fantasy role-playing Dragon Age series. The ability to create your own character, choose their race and weapon class, as well as personality with dozens of in-game choices, makes this a spectacular roleplaying experience. (The maximum material that the game will allow you to use in a single slot is 99, any slot bigger than this will cause the Crafting button to grey-out, so that you can't make the item). Here is the other slot: As you can see, it's all quite similar, but the slot is leather and the size is 4.

I mostly enjoyed the crafting system in DA:I, but I thought it was problematic for armor because the armor appearance was tied in to what stuff you could get ON the armor, so wearing an appearance you liked was often restricted to eating some minor or major stat penalties. That's no good, particularly considering how limited the appearance options were ANYWAY. And what's the point of buying an armor pack when the armor in it is only going to be good for a level or two because it's severely limited in its potential?

So, instead of that, I'd suggest doing something like this:

Dragon age inquisition crafting armor with upgrade slots free

1. The number of pieces you can use for the 'base' of the armor is dictated by your level (perhaps with some modifications from some sort of crafting investment system, like something you buy with the equivalent of Inquisition upgrades). So, if you're level 17, you can use 17 pieces to form the 'base' of any armor.

2. Slots are 1/2 your level (plus modifications). The modifications would be better if they're more specific, like, '+2 to all leather slots' or similar.


3. Put in a system for swapping types of slots. Maybe have 1 'dedicated' slot that can't be swapped, but 2 that can be jiggered around a bit.

So, basically, you can use whatever armor appearance you like the most and they'll all be fairly similar in their basic attributes.

Dragon Age Inquisition Crafting Armor With Upgrade Slots Free Play